HVBank Drawdown, Maker Teleport Launch on Optimism and Arbitrum - August 31, 2022

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MKR Support


The Governance Facilitator(s) and the Protocol Engineering Core Unit have placed an executive proposal into the voting system. MKR Holders should vote for this proposal if they support the following alterations to the Maker Protocol.

If you are new to voting in the Maker Protocol, please see the voting guide to learn how voting works, and this wallet setup guide to set up your wallet to vote.

Executive Summary

If this executive proposal passes, the following change will occur within the Maker Protocol:

  • 25 million DAI will be drawn down in the RWA-009 (HVBank) vault, as detailed below.

If this executive proposal passes, the following addition will occur within the Maker Protocol:

  • Maker Teleport will be launched on Optimism and Arbitrum with a 1 basis point fee and 1 million DAI Debt Ceiling for each chain.

Voting for this executive proposal will place your MKR in support of the changes and additions outlined above.

Unless otherwise noted, the changes and additions listed above are subject to the GSM Pause Delay. This means that if this executive proposal passes, the changes and additions listed above will only become active in the Maker Protocol after the GSM Pause Delay has expired. The GSM Pause Delay is currently set to 48 hours.

This executive proposal includes an office-hours modifier that means that it can only be executed between 14:00 and 21:00 UTC, Monday - Friday. This is to ensure that Genesis can process the DAI during business hours.

If this executive proposal does not pass within 30 days, then it will expire and can no longer have any effect on the Maker Protocol.

Proposal Details

HVBank (RWA-009) Drawdown

As per this successful governance poll, 25 million DAI will be drawn down in the RWA-009 (HVBank) vault, if this executive proposal passes. This is the fourth and final planned drawdown for this vault, at this time.

Further description of the schedule and mechanism being used for drawdowns from this vault can be seen in this post from the Collateral Engineering Services Core Unit (CES-001).

Maker Teleport Launch on Optimism and Arbitrum

As per this successful governance poll, Maker Teleport (formerly known as Maker Wormhole) will be launched on Optimism and Arbitrum with a 1 basis point fee.

Teleport for Optimism and Arbitrum will be deployed with a 1 million DAI Debt Ceiling for each chain, as per MIP69:L2-to-L1 Fast Withdrawals.

The Maker Teleport initiative will bring canonical DAI capability onto L2 domains.

For more details, please review the original Signal Request that led to the governance poll, and the Maker Teleport: Oracle Launch Configuration post. Forum threads related to the Teleport initiative can be found here.


Community debate on these topics can be found on the MakerDAO Governance forum. Please review any linked threads to inform your position before voting.

Additionally, these changes may have been discussed further in recent Governance calls. Video for these calls is available to review.


Additional information about the Governance process can be found in the Governance section of the MakerDAO community portal.

To participate in future Governance calls, please join us every Thursday at 17:00 UTC.

To add current and upcoming votes to your calendar, please see the MakerDAO Public Events Calendar.



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