Posted Aug 21 2023 16:00 UTC | Poll ID 1029

Reserve Governance Facilitator Appointment - August 21, 2023

High Impact
Misc Governance
Forum Discussion

The Governance Facilitators have placed a Governance Poll into the voting system using their powers defined in MIP113.7.1.4. This Governance Poll will be active for three days beginning on Monday, August 21 at 16:00 UTC.

This is an approval vote.

  • You may vote for multiple options.
  • You should vote for all options that you would support becoming a Reserve Governance Facilitator.
  • Unselected options signal that you do not approve of those options.
  • If you do not approve of any of the options, you should select "None of the above" as your only choice.
  • If you wish to abstain, that should be your only choice.

Note on Display of Winners

Due to limitations of the voting portal frontend, we cannot display multiple winners if selected. Instead, the candidate with the most votes will be displayed. If up to three candidates each receive >50% approval, all candidates above 50% will be appointed as Reserve Facilitators. This will be confirmed off-chain in the MakerDAO forum.

If more than three candidates receive >50% approval, the three candidates with the highest approval will become Reserve Facilitators.


The community can vote in this poll to express approval for the following Reserve Governance Facilitator options:

  • Le Bateleur
  • VoteWizard
  • DAO Masons
  • JanSky
  • None of the above

Please review the discussion thread to help inform your position before voting.

In addition, evaluations of all candidates have been posted in this thread.

Each candidate has also posted an introductory post. For convenience, these are linked below.


The winner(s) of this vote require(s) the approval of a majority of vote-weight. The non-Abstain option(s), with the approval of a majority of vote-weight up to three candidates, will be deemed the winner(s). Otherwise, no Reserve Facilitator will be elected.


If you are new to voting in the Maker Protocol, please see the voting guide to learn how voting works, and this wallet setup guide to set up your wallet to vote.

Additional information about the Governance process can be found in the Governance section of the MakerDAO community portal.

To add current and upcoming votes to your calendar, please see the MakerDAO Governance Calendar.

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