ETH and wstETH Oracle Migration, Rate Changes, Smart Burn Engine Parameter Update, Bug Bounty Payout, Aligned Delegate Compensation, Atlas Core Development Payments, Integration Boost Top-up, Spark Proxy Spell - March 20, 2025

Spell Address

MKR Support


The Governance Facilitators, Dewiz, and Sidestream have placed an executive proposal into the voting system. MKR/SKY Holders should vote for this proposal if they support the following alterations to the Sky Protocol.

If you are new to voting in the Sky Protocol, please see the voting guide to learn how voting works.

Executive Summary

If this executive proposal passes, the following actions will occur within the Sky Protocol:

  • Sky's ETH and wstETH oracles will be migrated from the current Median-based design to Chronicle's new Scribe-based design.
  • Multiple rate changes will be made as described below.
  • The Smart Burn Engine hop parameter will be updated as described below.
  • A total of 55,000 USDS for a Bug Bounty payout will be distributed as described below.
  • A total of 23,613 USDS will be distributed to seven Aligned Delegates as compensation for February 2025.
  • Atlas Core Development payments totalling 86,639 USDS and 618,000 SKY will be distributed.
  • 3 million USDS for Integration Boost funding will be transferred to 0xD6891d1DFFDA6B0B1aF3524018a1eE2E608785F7.
  • A Spark proxy spell at 0x1e865856d8F97FB34FBb0EDbF63f53E29a676aB6 will be triggered.

Voting for this executive proposal will place your MKR/SKY in support of the actions outlined above.

Unless otherwise noted, the actions listed above are subject to the GSM Pause Delay. This means that if this executive proposal passes, the changes and additions listed above will only become active in the Sky Protocol after the GSM Pause Delay has expired. The GSM Pause Delay is currently set to 18 hours.

This executive proposal includes an office-hours modifier that means that it can only be executed between 14:00 and 21:00 UTC, Monday - Friday.

If this executive proposal does not pass within 30 days, then it will expire and can no longer have any effect on the Sky Protocol.

Proposal Details

ETH and wstETH Oracle Migration

If this executive proposal passes, then the following oracle changes will be made as part of the migration process defined in A., Oracles.

ETH Oracle Migration

The source of ETH/USD pricing for the ETH Oracle Safety Module (OSM) will be updated to 0x46ef0071b1E2fF6B42d36e5A177EA43Ae5917f4E.

The relevant call for this action is:


wstETH Oracle Migration

The source of wstETH/USD pricing for the wstETH Oracle Safety Module (OSM) will be updated to 0xA770582353b573CbfdCC948751750EeB3Ccf23CF.

The relevant call for this action is:


Rate Changes

If this executive proposal passes, then the following rate changes will take place.

Stability Fee Changes

  • Reduce ETH-A Stability Fee by 1.75 percentage points from 7.75% to 6.00%.
  • Reduce ETH-B Stability Fee by 1.75 percentage points from 8.25% to 6.50%.
  • Reduce ETH-C Stability Fee by 1.75 percentage points from 7.50% to 5.75%.
  • Reduce WSTETH-A Stability Fee by 1.75 percentage points from 8.75% to 7.00%.
  • Reduce WSTETH-B Stability Fee by 1.75 percentage points from 8.50% to 6.75%.
  • Reduce WBTC-A Stability Fee by 1.75 percentage points from 12.75% to 11.00%.
  • Reduce WBTC-B Stability Fee by 1.75 percentage points from 13.25% to 11.50%.
  • Reduce WBTC-C Stability Fee by 1.75 percentage points from 12.50% to 10.75%.
  • Reduce ALLOCATOR-SPARK-A Stability Fee by 1.12 percentage points from 3.74% to 2.62%.

Savings Rate Changes

Smart Burn Engine hop Parameter Update

If this executive proposal passes, then the Smart Burn Engine hop parameter will be updated as follows:

  • Decrease the hop parameter by 432 seconds from 2,160 seconds to 1,728 seconds.

Bug Bounty Payout

If this executive proposal passes, then the following distributions for Immunefi bug #38567 will be made:

Aligned Delegate Compensation for February 2025

If this executive proposal passes, then a total of 23,613 USDS will be distributed to seven Aligned Delegates and their teams as compensation for February 2025.

Delegate Amount (USDS) Address
BLUE 4,000 0xb6C09680D822F162449cdFB8248a7D3FC26Ec9Bf
Bonapublica 4,000 0x167c1a762B08D7e78dbF8f24e5C3f1Ab415021D3
Cloaky 4,000 0x9244F47D70587Fa2329B89B6f503022b63Ad54A5
JuliaChang 4,000 0x252abAEe2F4f4b8D39E5F12b163eDFb7fac7AED7
WBC 3,613 0xeBcE83e491947aDB1396Ee7E55d3c81414fB0D47
PBG 3,429 0x8D4df847dB7FfE0B46AF084fE031F7691C6478c2
Byteron 571 0xc2982e72D060cab2387Dba96b846acb8c96EfF66

Atlas Core Development Payments

If this executive proposal passes, then a total of 86,639 USDS and 618,000 SKY will be distributed for Atlas Core Development funding.

USDS Payments

Recipient Amount (USDS) Address
BLUE 50,167 0xb6C09680D822F162449cdFB8248a7D3FC26Ec9Bf
Cloaky 16,417 0x9244F47D70587Fa2329B89B6f503022b63Ad54A5
Ennoia 10,055 0xA7364a1738D0bB7D1911318Ca3FB3779A8A58D7b
Kohla 10,000 0x73dFC091Ad77c03F2809204fCF03C0b9dccf8c7a

SKY Payments

Recipient Amount (SKY) Address
BLUE 330,000 0xb6C09680D822F162449cdFB8248a7D3FC26Ec9Bf
Cloaky 288,000 0x9244F47D70587Fa2329B89B6f503022b63Ad54A5

Integration Boost Top-up

If this executive proposal passes, then the following Integration Boost funding distribution will be made:

Spark Proxy Spell

If this executive proposal passes, then a Spark Proxy Spell will be executed at 0x1e865856d8F97FB34FBb0EDbF63f53E29a676aB6 with the following contents.

Increase the Spark Effective DAI and USDS Borrow Rate Spread

  • Authorization: Ecosystem Approval

  • Proposal: Forum Post

  • Increase the spread between the SSR and the Spark Effective DAI and USDS borrow rate by ~0.25 percentage points, from ~0.25% to ~0.5%.

This change coupled with the SSR reduction in this spell will result in a net reduction to the Spark Effective Borrow Rate for USDS and DAI of ~1.75 percentage points, from ~6.75% to ~5%.

[Spark Liquidity Layer Base - Spark USDC Morpho] - Increase cbBTC Market Supply Cap

[SparkLend Ethereum] - Onboard LBTC

Onboarding of Lombard BTC (LBTC) onto SparkLend Ethereum with the following parameters:

Collateral Parameters
  • Optimal Utilization: 45%
  • Base: 5%
  • Slope1: 15%
  • Slope2: 300%
  • Stable rate func (deprecated): N/A
  • Enable Borrow: NO
  • Stable Rate Borrowing: NO
  • Isolation Borrowable: NO
  • Siloed Borrowing: NO
  • Flash Loan: NO
  • Loan To Value: 65%
  • Liquidation Threshold: 70%
  • Liquidation Bonus: 8%
  • Reserve Factor: 15%
  • Supply Cap: 250 LBTC
  • Supply Cap Absolute Maximum Exposure (max): 2,500 LBTC
  • Supply Cap Target Available Exposure (gap): 250 LBTC
  • Supply Cap Automator Cooldown Period (ttl): 12 hours
  • Borrow Cap: 0
  • Borrow Cap Absolute Maximum Exposure (max): N/A
  • Borrow Cap Target Available Exposure (gap): N/A
  • Borrow Cap Automator Cooldown Period (ttl): N/A
  • Isolation Mode: NO
  • Isolation Mode Debt Ceiling: N/A
  • Liquidation Protocol Fee: 10%
  • High Efficiency Mode (Emode) Category: 3

The definitions for these parameters can be found in the Atlas under 3.9, Measures For Endgame Transition - SparkLend Risk Parameters.

Oracle Information
BTC Correlated Emode

Initial included assets:

  • cbBTC
  • LBTC

[SparkLend Ethereum] - Onboard tBTC

Onboarding of Threshold BTC (tBTC) onto SparkLend Ethereum with the following parameters:

Collateral Parameters
  • Optimal Utilization: 60%
  • Base: 0%
  • Slope1: 4%
  • Slope2: 300%
  • Stable rate func (deprecated): N/A
  • Enable Borrow: YES
  • Stable Rate Borrowing: NO
  • Isolation Borrowable: NO
  • Siloed Borrowing: NO
  • Flash Loan: YES
  • Loan To Value: 65%
  • Liquidation Threshold: 70%
  • Liquidation Bonus: 8%
  • Reserve Factor: 20%
  • Supply Cap: 125 tBTC
  • Supply Cap Absolute Maximum Exposure (max): 500 tBTC
  • Supply Cap Target Available Exposure (gap): 125 tBTC
  • Supply Cap Automator Cooldown Period (ttl): 12 hours
  • Borrow Cap: 25 tBTC
  • Borrow Cap Absolute Maximum Exposure (max): 250 tBTC
  • Borrow Cap Target Available Exposure (gap): 25 tBTC
  • Borrow Cap Automator Cooldown Period (ttl): 12 hours
  • Isolation Mode: NO
  • Isolation Mode Debt Ceiling: N/A
  • Liquidation Protocol Fee: 10%
  • High Efficiency Mode (Emode) Category: 0

The definitions for these parameters can be found in the Atlas under 3.9, Measures For Endgame Transition - SparkLend Risk Parameters.

Oracle Information

[Spark Liquidity Layer Arbitrum] - Onboard Aave USDC

Onboarding Aave USDC onto the Spark Liquidity Layer on Arbitrum with the following Rate Limits:

  • Deposits
    • max amount: 30 million USDC
    • slope: 15 million USDC
  • Withdrawals
    • max amount: unlimited

[Spark Protocol Mainnet] - Onboard July USDe PT onto Morpho Spark DAI Vault

Onboarding July USDe PT onto the Morpho Spark DAI Vault with the following parameters:

  • Pool LLTV: 91.5%
  • Oracle Discount Rate: 20%
  • Supply Cap: 200 million DAI

[Spark Protocol Mainnet] - Onboard May eUSDe PT onto Morpho Spark DAI Vault

Onboarding May eUSDe PT onto the Morpho Spark DAI Vault with the following parameters:

  • Pool LLTV: 91.5%
  • Oracle Discount Rate: 20%
  • Supply Cap: 300 million DAI

[SparkLend Ethereum] - Onboard ezETH

Onboarding ezETH onto SparkLend Ethereum with the following parameters:

  • Optimal Utilization: 45%
  • Base: 5%
  • Slope1: 15%
  • Slope2: 300%
  • Stable rate func (deprecated): N/A
  • Enable Borrow: NO
  • Stable Rate Borrowing: NO
  • Isolation Borrowable: NO
  • Siloed Borrowing: NO
  • Flash Loan: NO
  • Loan To Value: 72%
  • Liquidation Threshold: 73%
  • Liquidation Bonus: 10%
  • Reserve Factor: 15%
  • Supply Cap: 2,000 ezETH
  • Supply Cap Absolute Maximum Exposure (max): 20,000 ezETH
  • Supply Cap Target Available Exposure (gap): 2,000 ezETH
  • Supply Cap Automator Cooldown Period (ttl): 12 hours
  • Borrow Cap: 0
  • Borrow Cap Absolute Maximum Exposure (max): N/A
  • Borrow Cap Target Available Exposure (gap): N/A
  • Borrow Cap Automator Cooldown Period (ttl): N/A
  • Isolation Mode: NO
  • Isolation Mode Debt Ceiling: N/A
  • Liquidation Protocol Fee: 10%
  • High Efficiency Mode (Emode) Category: 0

The definitions for these parameters can be found in the Atlas under 3.9, Measures For Endgame Transition - SparkLend Risk Parameters.

Oracle Information

[SparkLend Ethereum] - Onboard rsETH

Onboarding rsETH onto SparkLend Ethereum with the following parameters:

  • Optimal Utilization: 45%
  • Base: 5%
  • Slope1: 15%
  • Slope2: 300%
  • Stable rate func (deprecated): N/A
  • Enable Borrow: NO
  • Stable Rate Borrowing: NO
  • Isolation Borrowable: NO
  • Siloed Borrowing: NO
  • Flash Loan: NO
  • Loan To Value: 72%
  • Liquidation Threshold: 73%
  • Liquidation Bonus: 10%
  • Reserve Factor: 15%
  • Supply Cap: 2,000 rsETH
  • Supply Cap Absolute Maximum Exposure (max): 20,000 rsETH
  • Supply Cap Target Available Exposure (gap): 2,000 rsETH
  • Supply Cap Automator Cooldown Period (ttl): 12 hours
  • Borrow Cap: 0
  • Borrow Cap Absolute Maximum Exposure (max): N/A
  • Borrow Cap Target Available Exposure (gap): N/A
  • Borrow Cap Automator Cooldown Period (ttl): N/A
  • Isolation Mode: NO
  • Isolation Mode Debt Ceiling: N/A
  • Liquidation Protocol Fee: 10%
  • High Efficiency Mode (Emode) Category: 0

The definition for these parameters can be found in the Atlas under 3.9, Measures For Endgame Transition - SparkLend Risk Parameters.

Oracle Information

Please refer to this forum post.


Community debate on these topics can be found on the Sky Governance forum. Please review any linked threads to inform your position before voting.


Additional information about the Governance process can be found in the Operational Manual.

To add current and upcoming votes to your calendar, please see the Sky Governance Calendar.


Updated every five minutes

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