Budget Stream Housekeeping For Offboarded Core Units, Oracle Whitelist Addition, SPF Funding - November 02, 2022

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MKR Support


The Governance Facilitator(s) and the Protocol Engineering Core Unit have placed an executive proposal into the voting system. MKR Holders should vote for this proposal if they support the following alterations to the Maker Protocol.

If you are new to voting in the Maker Protocol, please see the voting guide to learn how voting works, and this wallet setup guide to set up your wallet to vote.

Executive Summary

If this executive proposal passes, the following changes and additions will occur within the Maker Protocol:

  • A total of 210,998 DAI, itemized below, will be transferred to two offboarded Core Units as part of their respective Golden Parachutes.
  • A total of 169.5 MKR, itemized below, will be transferred to two offboarded Core Units as part of their respective Golden Parachutes.
  • DAI streams to three offboarded Core Units, itemized below, will be cancelled.
  • The MKR stream to the offboarded Strategic Happiness Core Unit (SH-001) will be cancelled, as detailed below.
  • Oasis.app will be whitelisted on the rETH/USD oracle, as detailed below.
  • 258,000 DAI will be transferred to the BlockTower Legal and Risk Work SPF multi-sig as a result of the successful Special Purpose Fund (SPF) application, as detailed below.

Voting for this executive proposal will place your MKR in support of the changes and additions outlined above.

Unless otherwise noted, the changes and additions listed above are subject to the GSM Pause Delay. This means that if this executive proposal passes, the changes and additions listed above will only become active in the Maker Protocol after the GSM Pause Delay has expired. The GSM Pause Delay is currently set to 48 hours.

If this executive proposal does not pass within 30 days, then it will expire and can no longer have any effect on the Maker Protocol.

Proposal Details

Offboarded Core Units - Cancelling DAI and MKR Streams

As per multiple successful offboarding proposals (linked below), three DAI and one MKR streams will be cancelled (yanked) if this executive proposal passes.

When a token stream is cancelled, it will prevent new tokens from accruing to the recipient, but will still allow the recipient access to tokens that have already accrued. An exception to this is when a stream has a cliff date, if the cliff date has not been reached, the recipient will not be able to access the tokens that have accrued.

Please review MIP39 for details on offboarding Core Units, the forum thread discussing the next steps, and the forum threads discussing the offboarding of the Events Core Unit, the offboarding of the Strategic Happiness Core Unit, and the offboarding of the Real-World Finance Core Unit to inform your position on this issue before voting.

Offboarded Core Units - DAI Golden Parachute Budget Transfers

As per multiple successful offboarding proposals (linked below), a total of 210,998 DAI and 169.5 MKR will be transferred to multiple offboarded Core Units as part of their respective Golden Parachutes if this executive proposal passes.

Please review MIP39 for details on offboarding Core Units, the forum thread discussing the next steps, and the forum threads discussing the offboarding of the Events Core Unit, the offboarding of the Strategic Happiness Core Unit, and the offboarding of the Real-World Finance Core Unit to inform your position on this issue before voting.

Offboarded Core Units - MKR Golden Parachute Budget Transfers

Please review MIP39 for details on offboarding Core Units, the forum thread discussing the next steps, and the forum threads discussing the offboarding of the Strategic Happiness Core Unit, and the offboarding of the Real-World Finance Core Unit to inform your position on this issue before voting.

Oasis.app Whitelist

As per the outcome of this governance poll, Oasis.app will be whitelisted on the following OSM Oracle if this executive proposal passes:

  • rETH/USD

Please review MIP10 and the forum thread to inform your position on this issue before voting.

BlockTower Legal and Risk Work SPF

As per this Governance Poll, 258,000 DAI will be transferred to 0x117786ad59BC2f13cf25B2359eAa521acB0aDCD9 to support legal and risk work related to the onboarding of BlockTower Credit as a Real World Asset Arranger, if this executive proposal passes.

Please review the discussion thread to inform your position on this issue before voting.


Community debate on these topics can be found on the MakerDAO Governance forum. Please review any linked threads to inform your position before voting.

Additionally, these changes may have been discussed further in recent Governance calls. Video for these calls is available to review.


Additional information about the Governance process can be found in the Governance section of the MakerDAO community portal.

To participate in future Governance calls, please join us every Thursday at 17:00 UTC.

To add current and upcoming votes to your calendar, please see the MakerDAO Public Events Calendar.



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