Aave-SparkLend Revenue Share, Update Keeper Network Address, Stability Scope Parameter Changes, June 2024 AD Compensation, Spark Proxy Spell - July 11, 2024

Spell Address

MKR Support


The Governance Facilitators and Dewiz, Sidestream, and Phoenix Labs have placed an executive proposal into the voting system. MKR Holders should vote for this proposal if they support the following alterations to the Maker Protocol.

If you are new to voting in the Maker Protocol, please see the voting guide to learn how voting works.

Executive Summary

If this executive proposal passes, the following actions will occur within the Maker Protocol:

  • 219,125 DAI will be transferred to Aave as part of the Aave-SparkLend Revenue Sharing Agreement.
  • The Chainlink Keeper Network Treasury Address will be updated.
  • Multiple Stability Fees and the DSR will be updated.
  • 209.17 MKR will be distributed to qualified Aligned Delegates.
  • A Spark Proxy Spell will be triggered at 0x91824fa4fd51E8440a122ffDd49C701F5C56D58e.

Voting for this executive proposal will place your MKR in support of the actions outlined above.

Unless otherwise noted, the changes and additions listed above are subject to the GSM Pause Delay. This means that if this executive proposal passes, the changes and additions listed above will only become active in the Maker Protocol after the GSM Pause Delay has expired. The GSM Pause Delay is currently set to 30 hours.

This executive proposal includes an office-hours modifier that means that it can only be executed between 14:00 and 21:00 UTC, Monday - Friday.

If this executive proposal does not pass within 30 days, then it will expire and can no longer have any effect on the Maker Protocol.

Proposal Details

Aave-SparkLend Revenue Share Payment

If this executive proposal passes, a payment of 219,125 DAI will be made to a smart contract controlled by Aave Governance at 0x464C71f6c2F760DdA6093dCB91C24c39e5d6e18c as part of the Aave-SparkLend Revenue Share.

Update Chainlink Keeper Network Treasury Address

If this executive proposal passes, the Chainlink Keeper Network Treasury Address will be updated to 0xBE1cE564574377Acb17C2b7628E4F6dd38067a55. This is a requirement to facilitate the upgrade of Chainlink Automation for MakerDAO from v2.0 to v2.1.

The required contract call is:

keeperRegistry20.migrateUpkeeps([54617870736745152906494510799239970615562458165653206109311709851388548258865], keeperRegistry21);

Stability Scope Parameter Updates

If this executive proposal passes, the following parameter changes will be made:

Stability Fee Reductions

  • ETH-A: Decrease by 1 percentage point, from 8.25% to 7.25%.
  • ETH-B: Decrease by 1 percentage point, from 8.75% to 7.75%.
  • ETH-C: Decrease by 1 percentage point, from 8% to 7%.
  • WSTETH-A: Decrease by 1 percentage point, from 9.25% to 8.25%.
  • WSTETH-B: Decrease by 1 percentage point, from 9% to 8%.
  • WBTC-A: Decrease by 1 percentage point, from 9.75% to 8.75%.
  • WBTC-B: Decrease by 1 percentage point, from 10.25% to 9.25%.
  • WBTC-C: Decrease by 1 percentage point, from 9.5% to 8.5%.

Dai Savings Rate (DSR) Reduction

The DSR will decrease by 1 percentage point, from 8% to 7%.

Aligned Delegate Compensation for June 2024

Authorization: Atlas 2.6 Aligned Delegates
Proposal: Forum post

If this executive proposal passes a total of 209.17 MKR will be distributed for Aligned Delegate Compensation as detailed below.

Delegate Amount (MKR) Address
BLUE 41.67 0xb6C09680D822F162449cdFB8248a7D3FC26Ec9Bf
JuliaChang 41.67 0x252abAEe2F4f4b8D39E5F12b163eDFb7fac7AED7
Byteron 38.98 0xc2982e72D060cab2387Dba96b846acb8c96EfF66
Cloaky 20.40 (requested) 0x869b6d5d8FA7f4FFdaCA4D23FFE0735c5eD1F818
PBG 16.58 0x8D4df847dB7FfE0B46AF084fE031F7691C6478c2
BONAPUBLICA 13.89 0x167c1a762B08D7e78dbF8f24e5C3f1Ab415021D3
Rocky 13.89 0xC31637BDA32a0811E39456A59022D2C386cb2C85
vigilant 12.55 0x2474937cB55500601BCCE9f4cb0A0A72Dc226F61
Ennoia (Cloaky) 4.10 (requested) 0xA7364a1738D0bB7D1911318Ca3FB3779A8A58D7b
Kohla (Cloaky) 4.10 (requested) 0xA9D43465B43ab95050140668c87A2106C73CA811
WBC 1.34 0xeBcE83e491947aDB1396Ee7E55d3c81414fB0D47

Spark Proxy Spell

Authorization: Ecosystem Approval, Governance Poll 1120
Proposal: Stability Scope Parameter Proposal, [Jun 27, 2024] Proposed Changes to Spark for Upcoming Spell

If this executive proposal passes a Spark Proxy spell will be triggered at 0x91824fa4fd51E8440a122ffDd49C701F5C56D58e. The expected inclusions are as follows:

[Mainnet] Spark Effective DAI Borrow Rate Reduction

  • Reduce the Spark Effective DAI Borrow Rate by 1 percentage point, from 9% to 8%.

[Mainnet] Increase Capacity of weETH

  • Increase the weETH Supply Cap Max by 150,000 weETH, from 50,000 weETH to 200,000 weETH
  • Increase the weETH Isolation Mode Debt Ceiling by 150 million DAI, from 50 million DAI to 200 million DAI


Community debate on these topics can be found on the MakerDAO Governance forum. Please review any linked threads to inform your position before voting.


Additional information about the Governance process can be found in the Maker Operational Manual.

To add current and upcoming votes to your calendar, please see the MakerDAO Governance Calendar.



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